Custom house and family portrait, martial arts teacher, lab worker and karate kid with house background

This illustration is a custom house and  family portrait that was commissioned for a housewarming gift.

The father is Japanese, he is a martial arts teacher and in this custom portrait he is wearing a Karate uniform, also known as Karategi or gi.

The mother is wearing a long dress with a short cardigan and sandals, she works in a chemistry lab and is holding a laboratory glass beaker.

For the portrait the little girl was drawn wearing a Karategi, (my newly learnt word) with a white belt, she recently started her Karate lessons and she is enjoying them, she loves anything Disney related and a Mouse ears head band completes her outfit.

Their new home has been included in the background.

Let me know about the people you want to include in the portrait if you want me to suggest you ideas on how to represent their hobbies, professions and interests.